Regrivit children's antiviral medical kit box

Client: Similares Pharmacy is a laboratory that produces pharmaceuticals for America. Its medical products are of high quality and are well sort after.

Design Problem: The client needed a new design and packaging for an anti-flu jab for children. The whole purpose of the packet was not only to hold the contents together but also to display the contents. The contents included a group of various items which needed to be strong enough for transport but also to allow the contents to be presented in a way that mothers and children would be attracted to and not scared of.

Solution: The package was made in one piece with only one glue point. This minimised the time/ effort and money to construct the package.
The curved shaped package, that was made to look like a cartoon shark, metamorphasosed the medical item into a lovely visually pleasing item like a child's toy.
Hence, minimising the fear factor for the infant... and parent!

Conclusion: The Regrivit packaging was an interesting and creative project. There were many changes in the creative process and variations made, involving formal and informal designs. Once a creative solution was chosen I made various cartoon characters. I tested the designs on a test group of children and the shark was the most popular.

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