Adbac 8 Vias veterinarian medication package

Client: Adler is a veterinarian medical laboratory.

Design Problem: This company needed a packaging design for one of their cattle medication. The primary packaging was a plastic bottle 100ml size. They were after a folding package. Clear concept targeted to the aimed sector. It needed to look professional so veterinarians will purchase. Complete descriptions and medical instructions about the product had to be correct. Elegant, attractive and natural image was important.

Solution: The whole concept was to use an effective natural and attractive photo of an American Brahman cattle in a field. This would bring in a natural and trustful feeling to the customer. At the brand-name I used graduated and secondary colours to create contrast. The content and formula is showed clearly at the front and rear side of the box. I improved the feeling of quality of the product; the finishing was made from a metallic coated cardboard material.

Conclusion: The concept and development of the package was ambitious. I believe the result was modern and fulfilment. This product was an edition that needed to stand out from the rest and this was achieved using the metallic print method.

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